An interactive workshop on computer with genealogy expert Boyd Gray & computer technician Glenn Neeson in the computer suite, Holy Cross College, Melmount Road from 7.00p.m. until 9.00p.m. on Thursday 27th March 2025
This will be a break from the formal lecture type evening and will allow members to work at their own pace; this programme is especially planned for those who have no experience of computers. Boyd will guide each attendee through the basic procedures and assures everyone that no previous knowledge is required.
Members of Strabane History Society are being sent back to the classroom to learn how to access family history information from the resources available on computer. Under the direction of tutor, Boyd Gray, who runs the West Ulster Genealogy Services the group will meet in Holy Cross College on the Melmount for the first in a series of sessions on searching out information on their families. Members will be shown how to investigate various genealogical sites including the 1901 and 1911 Census, Griffith Evaluation and the National Archives.
Places are limited, please contact us via our contacts page to reserve your spot.